Gerber Coupons

Gerber coupons offer parents some of the best ways to save on child related products throughout all stages of their adolescence. By simply going to their website you can register to receive personalized information geared to your child’s development.  This personalized information includes coupons for a sensual products, articles, tips, tools and advice for your child’s growth, e-mails with information specific to the growth stage of your child, as well as exclusive special offers from their partners. The things that I like the most about their online registration is the fact that they give you money saving coupons and special offers from the partners. Their program is the Nestle start healthy, stay healthy resource center.  This club which you can join is aimed to give you information that supports a healthy growth and development of your child from pregnancy through preschool. To get started with this program you will first need to provide them with your e-mail address. This brings you to the next page in the registration process which again reminds you of the following benefits: money saving coupons, tips about your child’s growth, access to online tools, and exclusive offers from their partners.
Gerber Coupons

They’ll ask you for your contact information to complete the registration. The contact information they’re looking for include your name, e-mail address, address, city, state, zip code along with a password that you will create and confirm. They also will ask if you want to participate in a government-sponsored nutrition program called women’s, infants and children (WIC) which you can either select yes or no. We do not recommend you sign up for this program being that there are no additional benefits that you can gain from selecting this option.

The next step in the process will ask you to give them information regarding your children. This is the step we highly recommend that you provide them with your online alias. Giving away too much information to corporations is extremely risky and not worth the potential savings that you could get from signing up for the program. You will gain up all of the same benefits by signing up through your online alias which will completely eliminate the risk of your contact information falling into the wrong hands. Not to mention the fact that their asking for both your information as well as your children’s information. All of this goes into a database that can never be undone. We feel that money saving coupons and exclusive offers is a fantastic consumer benefit however we do not advocate giving away your personal information for some small gain.

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